
I’m Noah, an independent game developer with a passion for making great games. I currently work as a software developer, with the ultimate goal of working in the video game industry.

Team Projects



Currently working with a team of 8 people to develop a 2D Metroidvania game in Unity. Acting currently as a gameplay programmer, with roles and responsibilities include designing and implementing game mechanics (i.e. dashing with physics and animations)




Unreal Engine 5 FPS Demo

Gameplay demo based on the GameDev.TV UE5 Bluprints Course. Made in Unreal Engine 5 (Preview 2) using a mixture of course assets and some from the Unreal Marketplace. This is intended to be a demo and not a finalized game.

Course: https://www.gamedev.tv/p/unreal-engine-5-blueprints/

RPG Gameplay Demo

Sample gameplay moment designed and developed within a week’s time. The goal was to challenge myself to have a demo of nearly AAA quality (in terms of graphics and polish). Implementation include:

  • Movement: Basic movement created for player character and enemy AI. Movement is also connected to the appropriate animations.

  • Combat: Implementation of melee combat and ranged attack including animations and particle effects.

  • Enemy AI: Basic enemy AI that can track the player’s movement, follow if the player is in range, and follow the player

  • Win/Lose Conditions: Implemented a check as to whether any enemies are remaining, and ends the game if the player dies, or if there are no longer any enemies remaining

2021 GameDev.TV Game Jam

Submission: https://ndaygamedev.itch.io/fools-gold

Personal Writeup: Blog

Small game developed during a 2 week period in Unity C#, as a top-down shooter style game.

  • Movement: Basic movement created for the player character and enemy AI. Enemy AI is designed to either patrol the area or, when close enough to the player, fire bullets

  • Combat: Created a firing system that is reusable for both the player and enemy AI.

  • Environment: Created a procedural generation method to randomly generate islands and rocks into the environment

  • Scoring System: Created a scoring system, both in-game and using PlayFab to create an online leaderboard for scores

Co-op Shooter

A Gears of War-style wave shooter built in Unreal, with local multiplayer using the Unreal's built-in match system. This game was built in C++ but expanded upon, in conjunction with a Udemy course. The project implements the following

  • Movement: Basic movement created for the player character and enemy AI. Movement is also connected to the appropriate animations.

  • Combat: Added the ability to fire a weapon over networking, as well as have enemy AI fire back

  • Pickups: Implemented different pickups for gameplay such as health pickups, speed pickups, and ammo pickups

  • Enemy AI: Basic enemy AI that can track the player’s movement, follow if the player is in range, and follow the player. Enemies are able to spawn in waves, and attack the player (i.e. shoot at the player, exploding drones)

  • Win/Lose Conditions: Implemented a check as to whether any enemies are remaining, and ends the game if the player dies, or if there are no longer any enemies remaining

  • Multiplayer: All features above are implemented to replicate over multiplayer networks using Unreal Engine’s built-in multiplayer system

Contact Me.

Please feel free to send me an email, and I will respond as soon as possible. I can also be reached through any of the below social links for any questions or to chat!